2013 Chiapas Mexico Church Project

In terms of evangelism, small groups (pequeno grupos) in Chiapas, Mexico are delivering big numbers to the feet of Jesus. The pequeno grupo usually starts meeting in a new place inviting neighbors in their worship, prayer meeting, Bible study and fellowship meals. Convicted by the Holy Spirit, one person after another is joining the group making it mas grande (bigger). Because of the growth, some groups qualify to be a new church congregation that needs another church building.

One example is Vicente Guerrero II Adventist Church in Chapultenango, Chiapas. The main church could no longer accommodate everybody. They have to build another one.

Since they do not have enough funds, they requested for financial assistance. Through ASM, a generous family donated $3,000.00 for the the church building project.

The church building was completed late last year ready to receive new friends out of the small group ministry.